

The facility and natural setting make it an ideal location for outings or evening dinner functions to multi-church concerts, camp meetings, or retreats.


There is an annual Camp Meeting held each year for 10 days in July. For other blocked out dates see the "Events" page. Regular board meetings and occasional maintenance work groups are also held and may not be posted. "Contact Us" for more information and reservations.

dining hall

Indoor Functions

For indoor meal and meeting functions there is a dining hall with full commercial kitchen. It seats about 100 in a dining table configuration and over twice that with a lecture hall seating arrangement. The Tabernacle seats about 200 for outdoor meetings. The camp has beds and bunks for 117 people, 150 with shared rooms. For more details on what is available see the "Accommodations" page.


The wide Buckatunna Creek surrounds the campgrounds. It is a lovely setting for recreation or baptism. A rope swing hangs over a calm swimming hole with a gently sloping sandy shoal for the enjoyment of children of all ages.  Above the swimming hole are some shallow rapids with a trough making a natural water slide.
